What is a business license? Business licenses are permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business within the government's geographical jurisdiction. It is the authorization to start a business issued by the local government.

Am I Required to Obtain a Business License in Chino, CA? If you are conducting business in Chino, then you will need to obtain a business license. Businesses that are not physically located within the city limits, but are conducting business within the city are also required to obtain a Chino Business License. 

How to obtain your business license in Chino, CA

Step 1 (Optional): IF you are doing business under any name other than your legal name (i.e. your name is Jane Doe and want to call your practice Simple Solutions Therapy), you must obtain a Fictitious Business Name for your Sole Proprietorship.  This is your DBA (or "doing business as").  If you are doing business under your legal name (i.e. Jane Doe Counseling or Jane Doe Psychology or simply Jane Doe, you DO NOT need to obtain a Fictitious Business Name, skip to Step 2). 

  • Search for your DBA to see if it is available here
  • Complete the application online here
  • Submit application and payment ($55.00)
  • By mail:
    Complete, download and sign the online application. Mail the completed form and appropriate fees to our office for processing.
  • Online with Credit Card Payment:
    Complete the online application. Once completed, email our office the SST# at [email protected]. Allow 5-7 business days for our office to review your application. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive an email from SigniX. This email will prompt you to review the FBN statement and electronically sign your statement before finalization of the filing.

Step 2: Fill out the business license application linked here (also attached to this article)

**Please note, you should sign your business license offline.  E-signatures on not accepted by the City of Chino

Step 3: Mail or Bring Your Application with payment:

  • Office Location: 13220 CENTRAL AVENUE CHINO, CA 91710 Phone Number: (909) 334-3263 Email: [email protected]
  • MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 667 CHINO CA 91708-0667

You initial payment should be $44 -- please call the number above if you have any questions about payment or business classification.

Payment is reviewed on the application, but this amount was pulled from: PERSONAL & BUSINESS SERVICES $40 for first $25,000 plus $.40 for each additional $1,000 above $25,000 MAXIMUM FEE $1,250.  $4.00 has been added through 2024 for all business license application (see application for more information).

Step 4: You will receive a copy of your business license in the mail in 2-4 weeks.  Business Licenses must be applied for within 30 days of starting to do business in Chino, CA, so if you have not already attained one, you can begin your onboarding/start seeing patients as long as your application is in the process of submission.  Please update Help Therapy when you receive a copy of your license.

You can send a copy of your business license to your Provider Relations Manager at [email protected]..

Additional FAQs and Guidance

What will be on the business license application?
A business license application can be found at cityofchino.org or you can pick it up in person at the City of Chino business license section at city hall located at 13220 Central Avenue. 
The application for doing business in Chino consists of three pages of basic questions which should be completed accurately. 
Be prepared with the following information:

  • Company name, phone number, mailing and physical address

  • An after-hours emergency number

  • Whether you agree to file for a home occupation permit and comply with the rules and requirements surrounding home occupation

  • The type of ownership: sole ownership, a partnership, or part of a larger corporation (if you are part of a larger corporation, you must supply information on the corporation, including the name of the corporation, the Federal Employer’s I.D. Number, the State I.D. number and all contact information)

  • A detailed description of your business activity

  • Declaration of your business start date

  • The type of application you are filing, that is, whether you are filing a license renewal, a change of location, or a change of ownership

  • Whether you are a contractor and, if you are, all applicable information pertaining to your contractor’s license. (Contractors doing business in the City, but do not call Chino their home has a different form)

What are the costs you can expect to incur?
Licensing fees will be ultimately determined by the Chino business license section. There is a fee schedule on the application outlining some of the fees that are associated with the licensure procedure. Depending on your business, you can expect to pay no less than $40.00 (plus $4 tax) and no more than $1,250.00, (plus $4 tax). Check with the business license section for a complete list and for the fees that you will be paying. Your fees will be due no later than 30 days after you open your business, late payments will add 10 percent per 30 days delinquent up to a penalty of 100 percent.
Any questions?
Call the Chino business license section at 334-3263, or visit 13220 Central Ave., Chino,  between 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Written correspondence can be sent to PO Box 667, Chino, California 91708-0667.
Commonly Asked Questions
How do I get an application for a City of Chino Hills business license?   Applications are available for download in the document center at chinohills.org. Applications are also available in the finance department, or can be mailed or faxed by calling 364-2670. 
How much does a business license cost?  $97.00 per year, and a one-time fee of $91.00 for a home occupation permit if the business is conducted from a home in Chino Hills. 
What if my business is home-based?  Every business conducted from a home in the City of Chino Hills must have a business license and a home occupation permit.   Both applications must be submitted together, along with payment, to the finance department at city hall, 14000 City Center Drive. 
How long does it take to receive a business license?  Business licenses are mailed out approximately two to three weeks after an application has been submitted. 
What if I sell my business?  A business license is not transferable. The license is terminated when business ownership changes. The new owner will be responsible for obtaining his/her own business license. 
When do I need to renew my business license?  Once you have obtained a business license, which is valid for one year, a renewal will automatically be sent to the mailing address of record approximately 30 days before the expiration date. If you do not receive a renewal notice before the expiration date of the business license, please contact the business license department. Failure to receive a renewal notice does not relieve the business owner of his/her responsibility to renew the business license nor is it grounds for waiving any penalties due. 
I am a veteran. Do I need to pay the business license fee? The business license fee may be waived for honorably discharged veterans, or veterans released from active duty under honorable conditions, who engage in sales, but not services, except alcoholic beverages. 
Where do I get the application for a home occupancy permit?  Applications are available for download in the document center at chinohills.org.   Applications are also available in the community development department at city hall, 14000 City Center Drive.   Call 364-2670 to request an application by mail or fax.
Do I need to renew my home occupation permit?  The home occupation permit is a one-time fee if the following conditions are met:
●Renewing the business license annually before the expiration date.
●The business has not moved to a new location.
How do I obtain a fictitious business name? Fictitious business names are filed with the County of San Bernardino County Recorders Office. Call 386-8970.  Champion Newspapers will file the fictitious business name with the County Recorder and publish your fictitious business name statement. To contact the Champion Newspaper, call 628-5501, Ext. 14.
How do I obtain a resale, seller’s or sales tax permit?  To obtain a seller’s permit, contact the State Board of Equalization at (800) 400-7115, or visit their website: www.boe.ca.gov.