Have a proper crisis protocol in place for patients is essential to developing not only a sense of security for patients, but also in securing your interactions with patients during telehealth sessions. 

Crisis protocols should be established with patients together at the beginning of your sessions. 

We have pulled tips from this tool kit, you can read in detail using the link here. This has been updated since the COVID-19 pandemic hit and has many helpful tips and resources for establishing proper care with your clients. 

Basic guidelines initiating contact when your client may be suicidal:

  1. Request the person’s location (address, apartment number) at the start of the session in case you need to contact emergency services.
  2. Request or make sure you have emergency contact information.
  3. Secure the client’s privacy during the telehealth session as much as possible
  4. Prior to contact, develop a plan for how to stay on the phone with the client while arranging emergency rescue, if needed

What should your client safety plan include?

  1. Client warning signs that a crisis might be developing
  2. Internal Coping Strategies for the client
  3. People that they can ask for help
  4. Professionals or agencies they can contact during a crisis
  5. Make sure you provide the the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800 273-8255; suicidepreventionlifeline.org) and crisis text (text “Got5” to741741; crisistextline.org) information

Helpful tools and resources:

1. What is a therapist's responsibility in a crisis?

2. Crisis Intervention: 5 Critical Steps

3. Working with Suicidal Clients: 6 Things You Should Know